Setting up a rural hospital in Rajasthan, India The whole project...from the beginning
Monday, 28 December 2009
Onwards and upwards ... work on first floor
Saturday, 5 December 2009
All this in a week!!
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
Just arrived in Udaipur!
Sunday, 25 October 2009
You've had the plans .... now look at this!!
Monday, 19 October 2009
Plans unveiled ... water and electricity on site!
Friday, 25 September 2009
A new day and building begins!
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
Too long since we last posted!! Part 1
Friday, 31 July 2009
Foundation stone laid today!
Thursday, 30 July 2009
Digging a huge hole for tomorrow!!
Sunday, 26 July 2009
Let's sow the seeds of change!
Thursday, 2 July 2009
Foundation stone to be laid on July 31
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
"The future depends on what we do in the present"
It’s just another six weeks until I go to Rajasthan with my son to work on The Raven Foundation project with Dr Deepak Babel and we thought it would be helpful to have an update.
We have the land and we are waiting for the electricity and water to be connected to the site. Now we need to start on the perimeter walls, and the building. We hope to lay the Foundation stone in the first week of August and will keep you updated from Rajasthan.
Of course we have a long way to go, not least with the construction work and more importantly, the building up of trust with the local people, who are superstitious and naturally resistant to change. But as Mahatma Gandhi said: “The future depends on what we do in the present”.
In India, we work closely with Dr Deepak Babel, who already manages a 100-bedded Private Limited company hospital in Udaipur. You can visit Deepak on Facebook to find out more about him, but for those of you who don’t subscribe to social networking, Deepak is a highly qualified medical doctor, An Orthopaedic surgeon and has done his M.B.A. - International Hospital Management in Frankfurt, Germany. During his course he had a chance to visit many hospitals in Europe, UK, USA, UAE, Singapore and China and study the health care structure in these places. As you already know from our first entry, he saved my husband’s life in India last November.
In India, there is no healthcare system except for those who can afford to pay, and as Deepak says: “When you do not have sufficient funds to eat or drink, you forget about paying for your health”.
“As a doctor, I have been seeing this for the last 15 years and watching people die just because there are inadequate medical facilities, especially in rural areas. Another major problem is the spread of communicable and infectious diseases.
“We need to do a lot, and perhaps if everyone does a little to help, even by just watching our progress, the project will grow.
“I ask you all to join hands and spread the word about this humanitarian project and help those people who are deprived of basic medical facilities. After all, we humans are the only ones who can help others”.
I support Deepak in all these comments and as a westerner, am amazed by how little it will cost in relative terms to provide a basic facility for the local people. I’m not going to quote all the figures here, but for the cost of a new car in Europe or the US, we can buy an ambulance; for the price of a new conservatory, we can build a clinic; and for the outlay of a new washing machine, we can pay a nurse’s salary for a year!
We are truly grateful to those of you who are already supporting this project by following our progress and are now looking at ways of widening our coverage, so that those interested can donate online – if anybody reading this can help or advise on the best way to go about this, please contact me at: